Jessy and Belladia were featured in the latest GSDBA newsletter. Here is the text from the article.
So exciting!

1. When did you join GSDBA?
September 2007

2. Why did you join GSDBA?
When we first moved to San Diego, we used the Directory as our #1 resource for choosing professionals. We had such a great experience with the businesses we used, we knew we had to become part of the community when we started our own business. We love working with the community and we have found the best clients—they are positive, fun, and understand the value of branding and advertising.

3. Has your business increased by joining GSDBA?
Absolutely! We have seen a huge increase in our visiblity and the number of relationships we have built.

4. If so, how has your business increased by joining GSDBA?
When we joined the GSDBA our business had taken quite a hit with the collapse of the mortgage market (at the time about 90% of our clients were in the mortgage and real estate fields). Joining the GSDBA allowed us to rebuild and expand our client base. It is one of the major reasons why we are still in business.

5. What inspired you to start your business?
We used to be an in-house marketing team, but always wanted to broaden our reach. We envisioned starting our own business to help small businesses have access to professional, affordable marketing and design. We were laid off in 2006 which allowed us to make the transition from in-house team to business owners.

6. When did you start your business?
March 2006

7. What do you most enjoy about running your own business?
We LOVE sharing business owners’ excitement and passion for their businesses. We love seeing how excited they are when their business increases or they are recognized in the community or win awards. It’s wonderful to be part of their successes.

8. What is the biggest accomplishment you’ve had since starting your business?
Our biggest accomplishment is seeing our clients become known in the community and see them succeed. We are also proud of our perseverance and drive. It is difficult to stay happy and motivated when things look bleek, but we always seem to come out of it for the better.

9. What is the biggest disappointment you’ve had since starting your business?
We wish we had been more prepared when we first started out with a team of professionals (lawyers, accountants, business coach, insurance, etc.), it would have really helped in the beginning. We also miss having clearly defined weekends and vacation time, but it’s a trade off—we love what we do and wouldn’t change it.

10. What advice would you give to someone who would like to start a business similar to yours?
Be prepared with the professionals you need to set the proper foundation (lawyers, accountants, business coach, insurance, etc). It will make the transition so much easier. Communicate with your clients because if you don’t someone else will. And be professional, but be yourself, if you’re not a suit and tie kind of person, don’t pretend to be one—you’ll attract much more business that is suited to you.

11. Has the recession hurt your business?
A bit, but not as much as the mortgage crash. We have found that it is harder to collect payments and our sales cycle has become longer. There has been some scaling back of projects too. But with all this, we have found that our client base has steadily increased and the market does seem to be coming back a bit. People don’t seem as afraid to spend money as they were a year or 18 months ago.

12. What business other than yours would you like to attempt?
I would love to start (or be part of) a plus size clothing company. I’d love to design some cool clothes for women my size. It’s really limited out there. I’d also love to build a tool for designers that would help them organize all aspects of the business (accounting, CRM, Project Management, Proofing) in one convenient online tool.

13. What business would you not like to attempt?
I was not meant to be an accountant. I really admire the people who do it—it’s like magic to me—but I just don’t have the mind set for it.

14. What is your idea of a successful business?
Cut and dry—a successful business is a profitable enterprise that runs without you. But we also believe it is a business that is involved in the community, makes a difference in the world, cares for its clients and employees, and only wants the best for everyone.

15. What is your favorite GSDBA member business?
It’s really difficult to choose, but we do have two that we look up to. We love Strober Dental and the Center for Health and Wellbeing. The businesses that Dr. Strober and Dr. Gray have built are impressive and inspiring.

16. What is your favorite non-GSDBA member business?
Again, we have two, Lullababes and Bad Kitty Photography. Melissa at Lullababes and Cinnamon at Bad Kitty are so passionate about their businesses it is contagious. You can’t help but fall in love with them.

17. How long have you lived in the San Diego area?
10 years

18. Is there any other city/country where you would like to live?
We would love to live in Europe for a bit—maybe France, England, or Greece.

19. Who is your current role model?
We really look up to Susan at GreenBird Media. Her foresight to adapt and stay on the cutting edge of web development is impressive. Also, Johnathan Hale at SDGLN, has built an amazing community in a short amount of time and his ability to rally people is inspiring.

20. What is your motto?
Belladia helps inspired people build inspiring businesses.