My inner geek was overjoyed when I came across this article today (link below). Science explaining why we like design? Fantastic! Don’t worry, I read it so you don’t have to.

Psychologists who study “cognitive fluency” are beginning to be able to scientifically prove that “people prefer things that are easy to think about to those that are hard.” Duh, right? It seems like a pretty basic idea. But in terms of marketing and design, it’s actually quite difficult to boil down an entire company to a simple, concise message, visual or verbal. How many times have you tried to find out more about a company, gotten overwhelmed and given up?

Now, take a look at your business. How are you making it difficult for your potential clients or customers? Not sure? Ask them!

By the way, my favorite quote from the article, explaining why people like familiar things: “The late psychologist Robert Zajonc used to explain the evolutionary logic behind this tendency succinctly. “He’d say, ‘If it is familiar, it has not eaten you yet.’ ” That says it all!

Read the full article here: Easy = True: How ‘cognitive fluency’ shapes what we believe, how we invest, and who will become a supermodel
