I don’t know about you, but my motivation takes a nosedive on rainy days. If I find it hard to sit at my desk, I will often get out of the office and work on an aspect of my business that always gets pushed to the bottom of my list. For many people marketing and advertising are those aspects – we have the best intentions but there never seems to be time to think about creative ways to advertise!  Here are a few exercises that help me refocus my restless, rainy day energies into something productive.

  • Describe Your Best Clients in Detail.
    Think of your best clients. What do they all have in common? Make a list of these traits and brainstorm on ways to get more clients like them.
  • List Your Past Marketing Efforts
    Where they successful? Did you get enough new business to cover the cost? What lessons did you learn – good or bad?
  • Make a Marketing Wish List.
    If money were no object,  what would you do? New website? Magazine Ads? Hire someone to take care of it for you? How can you make these things happen?
  • What Are Your Competitors Saying?
    Take a look at your competitors’ websites – do you have something different to say or are you all saying the same thing? How can you separate yourself from the crowd?
  • Find a Local Charity to Volunteer Your Services.
    Good karma and good publicity! If you’re a bookkeeper, keep the books for your local church. If you’re a dog walker, volunteer at your local shelter – you get the idea.

I hope these ideas will help you be productive even when it is cold and rainy outside. Need help executing any of these ideas – that is what we are here for!
