Crazy things are going on these days. Many industries, especially those tied to mortgage lending, are experiencing a lot of changes. In times of uncertainty, many businesses react by scaling back their marketing. It seems like an easy way to save money until things pick up. But how can business pick up if you disappear? Times like these present two great opportunities to cement relationships with your past clients and to gain new clients.

  • Become a trusted lifetime advisor – Even if your clients had great experiences when they worked with you in the past, they may not remember you for their next transaction. By educating your past clients about current events and offering your consulting services, they will immediately think of you the next time they need your advice.
  • Fill the void – As your competition scales back their marketing, hundreds of potential customers have no one to shepherd them through the confusion. Show them that you provide the best service in good times and bad and they will become loyal customers.

There are many affordable ways to stay in touch with your clients and take advantage of this turbulent time. Call or email us today to talk about ways to communicate with your past and future clients.