Competition is tough – no matter what business you are in. So how can small businesses survive when they are put up against huge, efficient corporations? Why would a person choose you over a giant company with better prices and infinite resources?

You are the reason – your personality, your experiences, your employees, your philosophy. By infusing your personality into your business you can create a loyal customer base that truly cares about your success as well as theirs.

In her article “What’s Your Story?”, Kim Gordon offers several guidelines for success in “emotional branding”:

  1. Make customers for life: build relationships with customers. Find commonalities and champion causes that both you and your clients care about.
  2. Support the emotional quotient: balance your emotional connection with product and service information.
  3. Tell a great story: not only your story but the story of your business, employees and services

We would love to help you stand out! There are many cost effective ways to incorporate your personality and philosophy into your marketing plan. Contact us and we can discuss what makes you different from your competition.

Read the original article here: “What’s Your Story?” by Kim T. Gordon