Many people think that an affordable marketing campaign is a non-effective marketing campaign. It’s either a huge, expensive production or nothing. I came across a great article that shows that this is not the case at all. No matter the size of your campaign, the key is consistency and repetition! Here is an excerpt:

Every time someone sees something that makes them think of your company or your brand, it’s like a drop in the bucket. In advertising language, these drops are called “impressions.” The cool thing about impressions is that when prospective customers get enough positive impressions of your business, they:

  • Remember your name and the name of your business
  • See you as someone who can provide something they value
  • See you as someone they can trust to deliver what you promise.

Sales don’t happen until people recognize who you are, what you do, how you can help, and that you will deliver as promised.
-from the
Highly Contagious Marketing Blog by Judy Murdoch

So don’t get discouraged if you don’t have a large marketing budget! We can sit down with you and find your niche – the group of people that will give you the most amount of business for the least about of marketing dollars. Contact us today to set up a meeting.