Its fall, a season I love except for one tiny detail – shorter days. Somehow, the sun setting earlier seems to give us less time to get things done. So now that the end of Daylight Saving Time is heading towards us, here are some time saving tips from some of REALTOR Magazine Online’s readers:

  • Have a well stocked home office – eliminates unnecessary trips to the office and helps you put out “fires” immediately.
  • Take your laptop to open houses – when its busy, show clients slide shows of other listings or pre-qual them on the spot. When its slow, catch up on work that didn’t get done during the week!
  • Merge high-tech with common sense – carry a pad of paper along with your PDA to jot down notes when you don’t have the time or patience to enter short term tasks into your PDA.
  • Manage your marketing – prepare a marketing calendar to plan out your different marketing strategies. Then its easier break down your tasks into small steps or let an assistant handle it.