Customer service is essential to a successful business, especially when competition is strong. And when your business relies heavily on referrals, bad service can be devastating. In Darren Dahl’s article, “Would You Recommend Us?”, he observes that even though companies spend billions of dollars on customer management tools, customer happiness is at a two year low! So how do you know if your customers are happy?

According to Fred Reichheld, all you need is to ask your customers one question:

Would you be willing to recommend me to a friend or colleague? If your answer is no, please tell me why.

He has even developed a Net Promoter scoring system to help you analyze your customers’ answers. If you are interested in surveying your customers, contact us. We can help you with a professionally designed survey to help you find out how happy your customers really are.

Read the article: Would You Recommend Us? by Darren Dahl
Buy the book: The Ultimate Question by Fred Reichheld